Saturday, February 12, 2005

Numb3rs, again.

Watched Numb3rs again this week, and remain pleasantly surprised by this program.

Still no serial killers or pornographic violence against women since the pilot, and, yes, this is a good thing in my book. I can't stand more than five minutes of most other crime investigation shows, but I actually look forward to watching this one. Not just me, but my partner in crime *cough* enjoys it as well, so it seems to appeal to the female and male(?) demographics. It remains quite distinct from the typical, not only because I'm a math guy and I loved Northern Exposure and Taxi but the general level of production quality seems well above average. Glad to see Ridley Scott isn't selling himself cheaply.

The quality of dialogue seems to suffer sometimes, as they seem to be more worried about getting the ideas into play moreso than relationships, or as much as the relationships. This really isn't a complaint as the dialogue is still well above the TV median, and given the limitations of the format I can't see how they'd do much better in trying to foward both ideas and relationships, but it's just an observation.

Lady M____ did point out that to be a modern, sexy mathematician I don't have the right hair, as my do doesn't use enough Product. I should seriously consider this if I ever get back to grad school in math. I've been doing what I refer to as the "Buddhist monk" look-- a self-shaved head using a 1/4" guard on the clippers, but the trendy thing among TV and movie mathematicians seems to be gently tousled curls. Which I can do, but I need some length. Have to think hard about this since I live in the tropics and hate sweating. To tousle or not to tousle?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much about the hair. At my school, a lot of the popular guys have the longish curly hair (though many them are also science geeks...a weird Los Alamos thing I guess). Being a true geek is all about personality. If it were about looks, well, it just wouldn't be geeky anymore.

1:14 PM  
Blogger fatoudust said...

You say not to worry but in the very same sentence you point out that the popular guys all have this hair! And, of course my primary concern is to be popular among the high school demographic... *grin*

(grows beard, dons courduroy jacket with leather elbow patches, approaches lecturn)

You are entirely correct that True Geekdom is more about personality than appearance, but you don't seem to quite appreciate some of the more subtle aspects of power dynamics among groups of geeks in the wild as opposed to the domesticated varieties found in the school environment. In a school herd, the preening style of the various geeking subherds is meant to both establish and display status level among fellow geeks as well as to distinguish the member as clearly distinct from, and clearly not a member of, the more "popular" subherds with their more fashionable plumage. Anti-fashion becomes a powerful dynamic statement in this regard, whether manifested in disregard for appearance or active opposition to the dominant fashion paradigm.

(decides joke has been made, shaves beard, removes jacket...)

And besides, if I start now, by the time I finish my graduate work, I could join the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists™!

Seriously though, fashion can be a powerful tool for expressing your unique personality. Once you're freed from the need to try and conform to other people's ideas about your appearance, you can begin to have fun with it and turn it into yet another opportunity to geek out! I was being silly in my original post, but I think I'm actually coming out of a period of disregard about my appearance. I've actually begun to consider what I'd like to project and what types of people I'd care to draw into my life, and appearance does do both. The important thing to keep in mind is who's in charge of your looks, you or society? Indifference to the choice is still a choice.

6:23 PM  

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